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Harmeny School provides specialist education on a residential and day basis for children who have experienced trauma, adversity and family disruption. We provide education for children aged 5-18 and referrals are accepted for children up to P7 age, with the option of continuing their learning up to S6.

  • How does the school meet the needs of the students?  

We pride ourselves in creating a nurturing, supportive and encouraging learning environment for children with complex social, emotional and behavioural needs. Many have experienced multiple changes in their care and education before coming to Harmeny and, as a result, they struggle to engage in a mainstream classroom environment and have not made the progress that might normally have been hoped for with their learning.

Children who attend Harmeny on a day basis are often facing family breakdown, and have already been, or are facing, exclusion from mainstream or specialist education. Our multi-disciplinary staff team work flexibly, allowing the day service to operate 52 weeks per year, providing an education service during core school hours, as well as support during holiday periods.

Our skilled and experienced education staff provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities that follow the principles of the Curriculum for Excellence and focuses on the strengths and interests of children and young people. Our curriculum is delivered through experiential learning activities with the aim to motivate, inspire and build curiosity.

  • How do children benefit from attending Harmeny?

The school is situated within a wonderful 35-acre woodland estate in the village of Balerno, just outside Edinburgh and is well equipped with an impressive range of modern teaching resources, including an award winning secondary learning facility equipped with breakout spaces and vocational workshops.

Our class sizes are small, up to six pupils per class and are supported by a qualified Teacher, an Education Support Worker and a Social Educator who focuses on their social and emotional needs and works with the child all year round both within our education and care settings.

At every stage of their education, children and young people can access individual support such as play, music or art therapy and additional outdoor activities to meet their particular needs.

  • How does Harmeny School tailor its support to meet the individual needs of students?

Our approach is a whole school one, with our highly integrated education and care teams working with young people, families and key professionals to create individual plans offering rich opportunities for children to learn and grow within and beyond the classroom.

Young people in the senior phase (S4-6) are offered a bespoke programme that is centred around enterprise and employability. We can provide accreditation through SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority), ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network) and Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, so that leavers have a portfolio of recognisable awards. We also work in partnership with local schools, colleges, businesses and the third sector, so that children and young people have every available opportunity to broaden their experiences and build in self-confidence.

  • What extra-curricular activities are on offer at the school?

Our outdoor learning team provides adventurous and environmental activities, including mountain biking, water sports, camping, hillwalking and bushcraft skills all year round.

We have a skate ramp, go karts, outdoor exercise equipment, an adventure playground and plenty of space to run around and play games.

The children who live at Harmeny also have the opportunity to join a club in the local community and participate in local events such as gala days. Day trips are regularly organised plus overnight stays during the holidays.

Emma Seith, from Tes Magazine visited Harmeny in March 2024 to explore this topic. Emma highlighted how the use of the outdoors, both through formal timetabled outdoor learning sessions and also in everyday learning of mainstream subjects can be hugely beneficial to young people’s mental health and ability to spark an interest in learning. Extending our morning and lunch breaks has also really improved engagement in learning and reduced disruption for transitions back into class. Our timetable is also structured to give our teachers and pupils the best chance of success with literacy and numeracy lessons taking place in the morning, when pupils are best able to focus.

Success in learning (and life) is reliant on caring, authentic and consistent relationships between our team and our children. Since 2022 we have offered on-going support to young people after they leave our care, through the Harmeny Here4U programme. Here4U provides former pupils with personalised support and advice, including opportunities to volunteer and maintain a connection to Harmeny through visits and attending events. This ensures that we remain true to our vision to ensure that children and young people have the love, encouragement and nourishment they need, to grow and reach their potential.

We can support up to 39 children, 31 on a residential basis and 8 on a day education basis. As a Grant-Aided Special School, both residential and day placements at Harmeny are funded by the child’s local authority, and are made via a key professional such as an Educational Psychologist or Social Worker.

To find out more about our referrals process please visit