Event Date
January 23, 2024
Event Cost
Event Time
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
Hutchesons' Grammar School
21 Beaton Road
G41 4NW
G41 4NW
To register for the waiting list, please email Info@scis.org.uk
Cancellation and refund policy
- Cancellations must be advised by email 5 working days prior to the event.
- A refund will not be granted if a registrant fails to attend or cancels within 5 working days prior to the event.
- We welcome substitute delegates attending in your place at no additional cost.
- Cancellations for residential courses must be advised 6 weeks prior to the event.
Event Description
We are delighted to host this event which focuses on addressing invisible barriers to learning, with an emphasis on the brain-based impacts of trauma, neurodiversity and FASD
Setting the national scene:
- National Framework for Inclusion
- Scotland’s Promise
- A rise in pupils with complex social, emotional, behavioural and learning needs?
Spotlight on Developmental Trauma - case studies
- Practitioners will learn / revisit theory of neurological development, attachment theory and how adverse circumstances in the early years can impact all areas of personal, social and academic development.
- Practitioners will use this knowledge to identify which factors have contributed to trauma and demonstrate understanding of pupil behaviour through a brain-based lens
Spotlight on FASD - Mentimeter / case studies
- Practitioners will learn that FASD is a specific, brain-based condition caused by exposure to alcohol in utero. Session will cover prevalence, differences in brain structure and function and how difficulties in the ten brain domains affect learning. Focus will then move to practical supports in the school environment.
- Practitioners will apply knowledge to case studies by identifying barriers to learning and developing a range of strategies to support the pupil to feel regulated and achieve in school.
- What happened next? An update on what happened to pupils in case studies.
- The role of a supportive school structure in supporting neurodiversity, preventing secondary disabilities and healing relational trauma.
***Places are limited, hence please register as soon as possible. ***